Please look at the projects listed below to see if you want to donate to a specific project for our school. Or, you can let us decide by using the Donate button below:

PROJECT 1: Math and Science Center Cabinet
Establish a cabinet full of products, equipment and activities which facilitate learning engagement with counting, relationship and mathematical (fraction and multiplication) concepts. The cabinet should be lockable to ensure accountability of items and limit child access to items with small parts to time blocks of structured teacher instructional time.
PROJECT 2: Music and Dance Discovery Cabinet
Establish a cabinet chock full of quality instruments: percussion, string, winds. Introduce musical concepts, explorations in sound and rhythm, and music making instruments. Introduce children to their voices: tone, pitch and songs. Teach rhythm through drumming and percussion. Teach dance and body syncopation and dance exercise.
PROJECT 3: Infant and Toddler Sensory Stations
We’d like to step up our Infant and Toddler Room to make it visually delightful and engaging for our children (and for parents!). The proposed components below will brighten up and bring sensory functionality to floors, walls, and update toys in our cabinets supporting sensory development and gross motor skills for our youngest students.
PROJECT 4: Learning Floors: space, geometry, geography
Let’s solve the drab, industrial floor problem AND the geography, spatial relationship, distance and patters problem in America one school room at a time! We have found some beautiful carpets that can be used as the basis for education as well as games and teamwork and brighten up the classroom all at the same time!
PROJECT 5: Indoor Imaginarium
We’d like to engage our children’s imaginations with something real and substantial. We are thinking of something that will make their play space at the Academy memorable and fantastical. We also believe that parents will appreciate the vertical space and visual impact of our vision and make parents think: “I wish this had been my Day Care Center when I was a child!” We’d like to find the resources for an internal “play loft” that matches our need for quality, beauty, and safety.
PROJECT 6: Playground Expansion
We’d like to purchase and install at least one outdoor permanent outdoor grade type of play structure. Normally the purchase of such equipment is beyond the reach of independent Day Care Centers, we need sponsorship or grants to accomplish this expansion. Please help! The kids will love you for it - and so will their parents!
PROJECT 7: Facility Expansion Step 1 - Add 1,000 ft2 COMPLETE!
Our neighbors next door are letting their lease go. We can acquire the next suite (Suite #3) which represents an additional 1,000 ft2 of floor space. We intend to acquire the space anyway - but cannot yet afford the build-out to utilize the space.
PROJECT 8: Facility Expansion Step 2 - Add 5,000 ft2 COMPLETE!
Expand the operation to 60% of the facility. Acquire title to the building either solely or as a split partnership with the other permanent tenant. Leverage the capitalization of the operation and reduced monthly relative lease into increased services and salaries for employees. Provide better quality of services to community.